Quem sou eu

Minha foto
HÍMEROS è um Colóquio sul-americano sobre essa temática, com 40 trabalhos já confirmados, exposição de pôsteres e vídeos, que serão selecionados, e a pré-estreia de "O ATO" - variações freudianas 2, pela Cia. Inconsciente em Cena. Confira os Palestrantes confirmados com os títulos de suas comunicações em 'PROGRAMAÇÃO'.


Alexandre Mury
Alexandre Mury is a well know artist from São Fidelis, Rio de Janeiro – Brazil. He was born on January 13,1976 and has drawn and painted since childhood. His artistic legitimacy as a photographer became established when his work was first included in outstanding private collections of Brazilian art and photography, such as that of Joaquim Paiva (of Rio de Janeiro). 

How art turned the lights on
A New show at London's Hayward Gallery is devoted to artists of the past
50 years for whom  light itself is a medium